NASTIA: Un’ artista internazionale, una bellissima ragazza ma non solo una promessa nel panorama techno, che sta prendendo ogni giorno sempre più feedback positivi, presente anche nelle line up ibizenche di Circoloco e Music On…
I was born in a small village in the east of Ukraine to a normal family. Nobody was a musician in my family and there was no opportunity to obtain musical education. But I loved to dance and danced well.
Through all my school years I was involved in social activities, I took part in school activities and was very active and enthusiastic.
I have two older sisters, who lived in the near by city – Donetsk. I visited them every two weeks and this is where my first visit to nightclubs happened. This is where I realized what I wanted and everything came into focus…
I finished school in my dear little village and then went on to the university of Donetsk to the Marketing faculty.
I immediately found my first job as a dancer in the best club of the city. After some time, this was not enough anymore, and I wanted to move forward, so I began to spin. That was 2005….
In 2006 was the first time I came to Kazantip. Since then many things have changed. I changed.
I worked in Kazantip since 2006 until 2011, playing in different parties, managing the studio of the infamous KISS FM radio station, where I also have my own radioshow. Now this weekly radioshow of mine is called ‘Propaganda’, which is also the name for my new label, launched recently in 2013.
Since 2009 I have been touring frequently. The last three years I have had no free weekends. I have played in many cities throughout Europe and further abroad to Japan, North Africa, South America, Mauritius. In Russia and Ukraine I am performing less now.
For a short time I also worked as a promoter, organizing my own parties. Later on I just decided to work on one event once a year together with the team Feeleed from Odessa. This event, which we make together is my birthday party, where my friends and close artists gather from all over the world.
I have never been a resident of any club, but recently this changed; I simply could not resist the offer from Arma17 and since 2010 I am their resident and this is a big honor for me.
Arma17 is something unique. I can not even a club, it’s just so much more. It’s much more important, more interesting and complete. It’s one of a kind in the whole world and it’s my second home. Soon after I also joined the Feeleed family, they became my family in Ukraine.
I am not a producer. I am a true DJ. I am one of a few, who builds their music career through the performance of DJ’ing. I spend time in the studio over the last 2 years, but for now there is still not enough to present for your musical pleasure. Although producing doesn’t really interest me – I know that my best skill is at mixing records.
In 2011 the first release was made of mine and Sasha’s (Alexander Pavlenko / Sunchase) collaboration named ‘He & She’ on the label Musik Gewinnt Freunde. Until today it’s our only release, because we are both busy at the moment. There is little time left for studio for me, so I use this time to producer under the name ‘Nastia’.
Recently I was part of the Bullitt Agency. We worked together just one year. But circumstances forced this to end and my decision was to continue on my own, how I always worked before.
I love my hobby, which transformed into my profession and my way of life during recent years. My aim is to see as many people as possible on the dancefloor and to dance with them, leading the mood with what unites us all – music. I am what I do.
▂ ▃ ▇ EDEN CLUB ▇ ▃ ▂
▁ ▂ ▃ NASTIA ▃ ▂ ▁
Seconda data…. seconda avventura…
Dopo un apertura strepitosa torniamo a prendere possesso della location che è simbolo di club,
con un ingresso separato, completamente indipendente dalla fonderia
Per questa seconda data proponiamo un nuovo artista internazionale per il circuito EDEN!
►Resident Dj:
►Warm Up:
►Resident Voice :
INTERO 15,00 euro
RIDOTTO (lista e biglietto) 12,00 euro entro le 00.45
OMAGGIO DONNA entro le 00.00
PRENOTAZIONE 15,00 euro con consumazione
Location: OFFICINA C/O Italghisa
▃ INFO LINE: 393 3366886 ▃