Bio Niki Belucci
Dj Internazionale
Ha inziato la carriera collaborando con due DJ ungheresi, Spigiboy and DJ Mozsó, con cui ha effettuato il primo tour dal titolo “Orgazmix tour”. Sucessivamente esce dal gruppo e inzia a collaborare con la sua attuale agente, Fruzsina Rönky.
Nikolett Pósán Nata a Budapest il 10 marzo 1983. Da ragazzina è stata una brillante ginnasta capace di vincere parecchie medaglie nelle gare giovanili, ma ha dovuto smettere a causa di un grave infortunio all’età di 15 anni. Dopo aver ottenuto il diploma in un istituto alberghiero, compiuti i 19 anni ha lavorato per un breve periodo prima come modella erotica e poi come pornostar, recitando in numerosi film di genere girati in Spagna, Giappone, Italia e Ungheria, ma ha poi deciso di dedicarsi al mondo della musica lavorando come disc jockey.
Deve il suo successo, che dall’Ungheria l’ha portata ad esibirsi in Spagna, Norvegia, Usa, Francia e Italia, alla caratteristica di sfruttare il suo indiscusso fascino esibendosi spesso in topless mentre svolge la sua mansione da dj nei locali. Oltre a questo partecipa come guest star nel programma serale della televisione ungherese Cool TV Taxid.
Niki Belucci is the symbol of beauty, charm, eroticism, freedom, sexuality and energy. Growing up, Niki had a promising background in athletics. She was 15 when, after a serious injury, she had to stop her career in gymnastics. During a period of 10 years; however, she collected 21 gold, 12 silver and 8 bronze medals, as well as 2 trophies as one of the talented gymansts of the Ferencvárosi Gymnastic Club in Budapest. She completed her studies at the Secondary School of Hospitality and Trade but she only worked in her studied profession for a few months. She became a shop assistant in a lingerie store where she got in contact with erotic photography and shootings.
At 19 she spent 6 months shooting, then in 2003 she announced that she was quitting the industry as she wished to make a career of her former hobby, DJ-ing. By then she had been performing in small clubs with her vinyl plates entertaining club goers around the country. In a real professional sense, Niki entered the club life in the fall of 2003. Thanks to her talent and ability to perform well under pressure, she had about 160 performances during her first year in Hungary and in the neighboring countries altogether. More and more new gates opened up to her in the upcoming years mainly Austria, Germany and Russia, while she also continued to perform in her homeland.
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Fruzsina Rönky
Niki Belucci’s Manager
Fax: 00-36-1-329-03-62
E-mail: [email protected]