DJ SEHEREZADE BIOGRAPHY Dj Seherezade was born on 6th October 1990 in Budapest, Hungary. The Vivien name was chosen by her father, but her mother wanted to call her first child Seherezade, because her mother always read the 1001 Night Fairy Tales in her childhood with Seherezade’s grandmother. Her mother decided that […]
Power Francers have got more than 10millions views on YouTube with the singles “Pompo Nelle Casse“, “Mamma“, “Issima“. Moreover, their track “Pompo nelle casse” is gold disc in Italy. Now… it’s time for a new single! “Io vorrei” is Power Francers’ brand new track, exclusive available on YouTube Vevo till this Friday. […]
Dj Seherezade was born on 6th October 1990 in Budapest, Hungary. The Vivien name was chosen by her father, but her mother wanted to call her first child Seherezade, because her mother always read the 1001 Night Fairy Tales in her childhood with Seherezade’s grandmother. Her mother decided that she will […]
Re-Light Orchestra Biography L’UNICO PROGETTO DANCE ITALIANO CHE VANTA LA PRODUZIONE DI 2 ALBUM SU CD, E CONCERTI LIVE A LIVELLO INTERNAZIONALE Dopo 10 anni di successi discografici e spettacoli internazionali, il 2012 segna un’importante evoluzione del progetto The Re-Light Orchestra (o più comunemente RELIGHT ORCHESTRA), che presenta sul palcoscenico di “ITALIA’S GOT TALENT” (su […]
Web 3.0 è il termine col quale si indica la creazione di un web più “intelligente”. E’ un nuovo modo di dire ai computer come gestire grandi quantità di dati e riconsegnarceli in modo più significativo e per noi fruibile. Il Web 3.0 promette di toglierci i compiti ripetitivi che le macchine possono fare in […]